Friday, October 25, 2019

Introduction to Photography Composition

I am taking a class in photography composition.  Our homework this week is to take one photo as a snapshot and then take another as a photograph.  Here are my attempts.
This is my snapshot photo.

 Here starts my attempt to take photographs.
Above :#1

Above :#2

Above: #3

Above #4
 I like how in this one above you can see the different colors of the sky in a rainbow formation.
Also, I like the flow the photo.  The corn stalk takes my eyes up then fall downs the "rainbow" to the ground which takes my eyes back to the corn stalk.
Above #5
 I tried using fill in flash here because through my viewfinder the corn stalk looked really dark.  I didn't bring my flash along so all I had was my on camera flash.
Above #6
 I love the sun peaking through the corn stalk.
Above #7

Above #8


Above: #10

Above #11

Above #12
I like this one too.  I am drawn to the ones with the sun looking so bright.